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R.W.M. - Bro. Grant Dunbar, P.M.


I.P.M. - Bro. Thomas D. Smith I.P.M


D.M. - Bro Samuel Craig


S.M. - Vacant


W.S.W. - Bro. Ryan Henderson


W.J.W. - Bro. Luke Vince


Secretary - Bro. Thomas S. Walker, P.M. 


Treasurer - Bro. Grant Dunbar, P.M.


Almoner - Vacant


D.O.C. - Bro. Andrew L. Cameron P.M


Chaplain - Bro. Gordon J.C. Sharp. P.M.


Senior Deacon - Bro. Cameron Woolard


Junior Deacon - Bro. John A. Collins P.M


Architect - Bro. Nicholas J. Henderson


Jeweller - Bro. William J.A.D. Baird


Bible-bearer - Bro. James Samson


Sword-bearer - Bro. Lindsay Macbeth


Marshal - Bro Paul Vincenti


1st Std-bearer - Bro. Kenneth M. Arfield


Inner Guard - Bro. David Anderson


Pres. of Stewards - Bro Raymond I. Lithgow


2nd Steward - Vacant


3rd Steward - Vacant


Tyler - Bro. Leonard W.J. Findlay, P.M.


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