​Brother Grant Dunbar
Tuesday 4th March - 1st Degree
Tuesday 18th March - 2nd Degree + Annual PGL Visit
Tuesday 1st April - 3rd Degree
R.W.M.'s Message:
Welcome to Lodge St John Mid Calder 272 web site and we hope that you find it a valuable source of information.
I would first like to take the opportunity to thank the PM's, Office Bearers and Brethren of the Lodge for having the faith in me once again to represent them as the RWM. Our annual installation held on the 7th of December 2024 was carried out in an exemplary manner by the three RWIM’s, Bro Gordon Sharp PM, Bro Andy Cameron PM and Bro Tom Smith PM. Congratulations to all the Office Bearers installed and we look forward to working together in the year ahead and making more masonic memories.
A special mention to all our many visitors who have taken the time to come along and visit and support us at our meetings, we thank you wholeheartedly and look forward to seeing you again soon and also in your own respective Mother Lodges throughout the forthcoming year.
To any of the 272 members who have fallen away for whatever reason and have not been able to attend our Mother Lodge, please reconsider making a return at your earliest convenience where a warm welcome always awaits you.
Our Lodge plays a pivotal part in the wider Mid Calder community with the use of our facility by many groups, organisations and charitable fundraising events. We welcome all requests for use of the function hall for your specific needs or celebrations.
Any enquiries you may have regarding Lodge, membership or for hiring the hall, our secretary Bro Tommy Walker PM is the primary contact so please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our web page or directly on the details below. It could turn out to be one of the best decisions you will ever make!
Yours fraternally
Brother Grant Dunbar RWM
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
-- Provincial Visitation --
------ Installation ------
- Nominations & Elections -
--- Friday & Saturday ---
The Hall is now available to book on both Friday & Saturday nights. For enquiries, please contact the Brother Secretary.
------Hall Lets ------
Meeting Days
Our Lodge meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from September to April, with a Tyle at 7:00 pm at the following address:
Masonic Hall
Bank Street
Mid Calder
For more information on how to find us, please use the corresponding map, provided below.​
We would love to hear your feedback regarding our site.
Please drop our Secretary an email here or sign our Guestbook and leave us a message.
If your are curious about becoming a Freemason, please do not hesitate to contact any Member of the Lodge.
You can also contact the Webmaster at the email address below: